Tiger is a carnivorous animal.It is wild in nature.Forest area is the habitat of tiger.They live deep in forest and prefer hunting in group.Specially they hunt Deer,Ribit,zebars and other harbivorous and carnivorous animals.As other animals tiger do have its space for hunting.The female tiger take care of dere babies where as male guards the whole family.
Dog defines inteligence.It is considered to be a very faithfull animal close to human beings.Dog has alrady been domesticated.Its omnivorous animal ie its harbivorous as well as carnivorous in nature.Dogs are close to man.They live with man,eat with man,slip in houses with people.They obey there master and proof to be faithfull.Dogs are facinating and are kept at home.Dogs are also used for various other purposes too.Dogs are trained for various criminal purposes.Dogs are used for various criminal investigations by police and other security forces.now a days people too prefer trained dogs at houses.There vsrious types of dogs in the world.species of dogs various according to the places they come from.
Cats are very flexible animals.They have both domesticated and wild species.Usually wild species are largre in size then domesticated species.Cats are omnivorous animals.They eat both flesh as well as othre non fleshy things.The real facinating thing about eating of cats is that they approach the food in different manner like they rise their belly,lower their chest and perform other acts that other animals normally donot perform,before eating the food.Cats are fiter as well as they fight among themselves.Mostly fighting happens on the trees for teritorial couse and other.Normally Catsare brought st house to hunt down the rats as they feed on rats.We can also say that cas are other animals close to human after dogs.
Rats are small animals.They are quick and clever.As soon as we hear the word rat we think about all the destructive work performed by them.They run here and there all over the house destroying many food items and also important papers documents sometimes.Cats are considered to be the greatest enemy but also other animals like snakes too prefer rats as a delicious food.Rats are also used in scientific field mostly in the field of genetic engeneering.In hindu religion Rats are considered to be send by lourd Ganesha so Rats are also worshiped in some places.Rats have very acute sense of hearing and smellDue to this power of hearing and smell,they can easily locate their food.
Snakes are reptiles.They creep on the ground.There muscular contraction and rarefaction provide them to move.Snakes are of various types.some are poisonous where as some are non poisonous too.The snakes live in holes underground.Snakes are cold blooded animals.They live holes or borrows to maintian there body temperature.The poisonous snakes has vanum.they use this vanum to kill or nutralise its prey.The non vanamus snakes use there muscular powre to nutralise the prey.some vanamus snakes are Cobra,Rattle snake,Viper etc.They use there deadly vanum to kill the prey by injecting them into the prey.some non vanamus snakes are Python,Anaconda etc.They kill their prey by crushing them with the help of their muscular power.
lion'KING OF THE JUNGLE'is also a carnivorous animal as tiger though not so huge size but with extra hunting skills then tiger.As tiger ,forest is the habitat of lion and it too hunts in group.They hunt deers,zebras,rabbits etc as tiger does.They are very inteligent in the sense of hunting comparing to other animals.Lions are very possive about there area,they guarde their area by life.
Cow is a domesticated animal mostly popular for milk and meat in some countries.Cow is national animal of Nepal.People of Nepal,India and some other countries consider cow as a religious animal.cow is herbivorous in its feeding habbit.The interesting fact is that cow is considered soo holly that its excreta is also used for various religious purposes.Not only for religious purpose cowdung is also used for producing biofuel as bio gas can be prepared from it.In other hand cow even have an economical importance as it milk,dung can easily be sold.cow's milk is considered very nutritive food.